In this blog, I will talk about my first Chrome Extension, which I built, TF-IDF SERP Analyzer.
The journey so far has been decent 😀
I launched the Chrome extension on the Chrome Extension marketplace, announced it’s release on ProductHunt & gained some visibility & traction from there as well.
P.S If you like this extension then feel free to upvote it on ProductHunt
Following are the stats that I have gathered from
About TF-IDF SERP Analyzer Chrome Extension
It’s a Chrome Extension with ML Capabilities that runs on Google SERP and converts SERP Titles into Vectors after tokenization & assigns cosine similarity scores to the SERP Titles against the search query to determine the similarity of the title against the search query.
Without further ado, let’s jump into how you can use this Chrome extension to its fullest
1. Use Case 1 – Analyze SERP Title Score Against the Search Query
This is where you can directly see the cosine similarity score of SERP Title against the search query.
Note: Here I am not implying that there is always going to be a correlation between similarity scores & ranking pages.
Relevant titles to search queries can be a factor but not the only factor. However, in use case it can fuel confidence to do long-tailed niched blogs for niched queries where we see SERP titles with higher scores even if they aren’t ranking in the top.
Sure the CTR will be less, Resulting traffic will be less but whatever little traffic you will get it may convert better. I will explain this with an example.
Your traditional Keyword Research Tools may tell you that it isn’t worth doing articles on topics like this.
However, SERP tells a different story. In the age where we already know for a fact that Anonymized queries exist & forums are taking over. TF-IDF SERP Analyzer Chrome extension for Google Autocomplete niched queries of GSC Long Tail queries may even show relevant SERP Titles (cosine similarity wise) which may fuel the confidence to pursue these topics.
2. Use Case 2 – Cosine Similarity for Sitelink Extensions
The Chrome Extension also tells you what the cosine similarity is for site link extensions against your branded search query or non-branded in some edge cases.
You can correlate this data with GSC to see which site links are getting more CTR & if it shows any correlation with what the similarity scores are.
Here for example a user searches “Google Cloud” obviously blue link will be clicked the most. But if the second most clicked link is Cloud Console which has 0.25 similarity score then we may know why.
3. Use Case 3 – Cosine Similarity for PAA SERP Titles
Using this Chrome extension you can also see cosine similarity scores for PAA (People Also Ask) SERP Titles against the search queries.
Bonus: Use this JS Bookmarklet to Scrape the SERP Details along with Similarity Scores as long as the extension is installed
javascript:(function() { function extractResults() { var results = []; var searchResults = document.querySelectorAll('.g'); searchResults.forEach(function(result) { var titleElement = result.querySelector('h3'); var linkElement = result.querySelector('a'); if (titleElement && linkElement) { var title = titleElement.textContent.trim(); var url = linkElement.href; results.push(title + ',' + url); } }); return results.join('\n'); } var extractedData = extractResults(); if (extractedData) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(extractedData).then(function() { alert('Search results copied to clipboard!'); }).catch(function(err) { console.error('Failed to copy: ', err); alert('Failed to copy. Please check the console for details.'); }); } else { alert('No search results found.'); } })();
Kunjal Chawhan founder of Decode Digital Market, a Digital Marketer by profession, and a Digital Marketing Niche Blogger by passion, here to share my knowledge