12 Types Of Digital Marketing [and How to use them]

types of digital marketing

With the increasing number of internet users, there are a different types of the Digital Marketing you can use to grow your business on internet and reach your target customers. Well, don’t be overwhelmed. The aim of this rather comprehensive article is to act as your guide, guiding you through the forest of Digital Marketing. … Read more

Language Detection in Python Using LangDetect: A Quick Guide

language detection using langcdetect python

In today’s post I will be walking you through a Python Library called LangDetect that will do the job of Text Language Detection for you. The Library we will be using is called LangDetect It is a Language-detection library ported from Google’s language-detection of Nakatani Shuyo’s language-detection library. Below are some coverage about this library/method. … Read more

Sentiment Classification on Google Sheets using HuggingFace API

Sentiment Classification on Google Sheets using HuggingFace API

In today’s post, I will talk about how you can build a text sentiment classification Google Sheets AppScript using Huggingface Inference API. How will this help? It will help you classify text on your Google Sheets cell into the following sentiments Positive Neutral Negative AppScript will allow us to generate a formula using which we … Read more

Python Script to Measure Webpage Carbon Footprint

python script to record webpage carbon emissions

Ever wondered what Carbon Footprint your webpage left behind? Let’s first establish what a Carbon Footprint is. In the words of Emich.edu A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product. The internet consumes a lot of electricity and the same electricity (at … Read more